How to show meeting details of a Room mailbox

In our environments, we have a Room Mailbox called “Sala riunioni”. now get its details with this command: Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity “Sala riunioni:\calendar” |fl At this point we need to add to default users the rights to read the “limiteddetails” . With this settings, anyone can read who has created the appointment and the subject. this …

How to add “DynamicDistributionList” to your GAL in the “All Distribution Lists”

How to add "DynamicDistributionList" to your GAL in the "All Distribution Lists"

I’ve noticed that , sometimes,  the Dynamic Distribution List aren’t populated on the GAL. First issue this command to see who is in.. Get-AddressList As you can see, there isn’t DynamicDistributionList on the All Distribution Lists . So issue this command to add it: Set-AddressList -Identity “All Distribution Lists” -RecipientFilter { Alias -ne $null -and ObjectCategory -like …

How to migrate an old SBS 2011 with PST export to Office 365 ?

The first thing is validate  your public DNS on Microsoft’s tenant. Insert you DNS domain The tenant tells us which records we’ll need to add to our public DNS Do it .   When you have done these changes on your public DNS, We export the pst from the old system (See this guide: ) …