The smart cards nightmare with Citrix Xendesktop / Virtual Apps and Desktops

Everyone that use Citrix XenDesktop know the great problem of using it with usb devices to digitally  sign documents.

For this reasons, after the latest “ nightmare” with the last one USB key, the CNS, I’ve decided to write down a simple guide to help people like me with this problems.

This is my last key that I  setup up under Xen Desktop and my environment  was an  Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops formerly known as xendesktop 7.15 cu3 with Wyse 3040 windows embedded and Windows 7 Ent with PVD.

The smart cards nightmare with Citrix Xendesktop / Virtual Apps and Desktops

First, we have to enable the USB redirection policy under “Studio’s policy”.

The smart cards nightmare with Citrix Xendesktop / Virtual Apps and Desktops

And then, we need to enable the class 08 (Mass storage) and 0b (Smart card) see this guide CTX137939

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

At this point, just to do a test, we need to change local DeviceRules  in the the device where we’ve installed the Citrix WorkSpace (Formerly know as Citrix Receiver).

this is the key : HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Citrix|ICA Client\GenericUSB 

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

Normally this is the “DeviceRules” setting :

Just for help, we can use the USBDeview to find the VendorID,ProductID and USB Class

This is before intert the usb key 

Then, after inserted …

At this point, we need to modify the master image or, the users sessione (if it’s a static desk or has the PVD feature).

Delete this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\CtxHook\AppInit_Dlls\Smart Card Hook

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

and also this:


smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

Restart the terminal and connect  to it again..

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

Connect your USB key and switch it to generic.

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops
smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops
smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

Now you can launch your key !

smart cards Citrix Xendesktop Virtual Apps and Desktops

That’s it!

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