Manage Office 365 global spam filter

First, connect to your tenant Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy |fl We need to manage the AllowedSenderDomains  field. Issue this command to see the situation … Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy |fl AllowedSenderDomains If you want to expant it do this: Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy | select -ExpandProperty AllowedSenderDomains  To filter it and show only the domains list use this command: Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy | select -ExpandProperty AllowedSenderDomains …

Installing PowerShell Core on macOS and connect to Office 365 Tenant

This is the official link that explain how to do it in the Microsoft’s way : First, we need to install “BREW”… Open Terminal Now, we need to install Homebrew ( see this guid: ) This is the command: /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL” this is the output: when finished, run this command: …