In this guide we will go troughs the integration of and OAuth between our IAM Azure and an OAuth client based on WordPress for testing porpuse and, basically i choose my blog to do the test .For the OAuth client, under WordPress i choose the Miniorange.
So let’s started .
First of all install the Minionrange Single Sign-On plugin and copy the Callback URL .
In my case:
Now to to the Azure AD administration
Go to Azure Active Directory, to Manage in the side menu, click App Registrations and then New Registration
Fill the name you want , the supported account type (base your needs) and finally the URL from your external service
Now copy your APPLICATION ID , and TENANT ID
Fill them in the miniOrgange
Now, go back to the Azure and create a secret
Now, go to Certificate and secrets and create a new “client”
Copy the key
Copy the Value and fill its on the Worpress plugin
Now, to do the test i’ve created a test user, under Azaure AD call
Than, grant,
Here we are, we can read the data from our IAM , Azure AD.
Now i add the login button on my WP site
Now ‘ill try to leave a post with my Azure ID
And also we have a new subscriber under WP.
that’s it