Hpe Aruba and loop-protect

this is a simple guide to enable the loop-protect feature on your Hpe/Aruba switch. Connect to your cli and issue this command : Show loop-protect As you can see it’s disabled. Now we can enable it per port or per vlan basic… anyway , the way that i prefer is per VLAN and, after that …

How to show meeting details of a Room mailbox

In our environments, we have a Room Mailbox called “Sala riunioni”. now get its details with this command: Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity “Sala riunioni:\calendar” |fl At this point we need to add to default users the rights to read the “limiteddetails” . With this settings, anyone can read who has created the appointment and the subject. this …

Manage Office 365 global spam filter

First, connect to your tenant Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy |fl We need to manage the AllowedSenderDomains  field. Issue this command to see the situation … Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy |fl AllowedSenderDomains If you want to expant it do this: Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy | select -ExpandProperty AllowedSenderDomains  To filter it and show only the domains list use this command: Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy | select -ExpandProperty AllowedSenderDomains …

Installing PowerShell Core on macOS and connect to Office 365 Tenant

This is the official link that explain how to do it in the Microsoft’s way : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-core-on-macos?view=powershell-6 First, we need to install “BREW”… Open Terminal Now, we need to install Homebrew ( see this guid: https://brew.sh ) This is the command: /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)” this is the output: when finished, run this command: …

How to add “DynamicDistributionList” to your GAL in the “All Distribution Lists”

How to add "DynamicDistributionList" to your GAL in the "All Distribution Lists"

I’ve noticed that , sometimes,  the Dynamic Distribution List aren’t populated on the GAL. First issue this command to see who is in.. Get-AddressList As you can see, there isn’t DynamicDistributionList on the All Distribution Lists . So issue this command to add it: Set-AddressList -Identity “All Distribution Lists” -RecipientFilter { Alias -ne $null -and ObjectCategory -like …